Saturday, November 3, 2018

Fountain of Youth

My old cat has found the Fountain of Youth


  • Posted on November 2, 2018
  • Digestive Health
When I am out talking with pet owners, one of the most prevalent issues we discuss are frustrations with gastric problems in both cats and dogs.  Choosing a better food and the right combination of pre and probiotics can make a huge difference in the quality of life for your pet.  I found a real testimonial on the website about  the effectiveness of a proactive approach to health with a custom nutrition plan and the right balance of pre and probiotics.  

"My old cat who is 13 years old has been on a Rx diet for several years. He has progressively gotten worse. I attributed this being to his being ill and getting older. He would not let you touch his sides or stomach area. He was bloated and swollen looking. He growled at the other cats when they wanted to play. I decided to try the pawTree cat food. I had nothing to loose and maybe the litter box would not be such a mess. After just 1 week (miracle) on the food he started to run around with the other younger cats. After 3 weeks it was just like when he was young, happy, spry, playing with the other cats and our dogs. He loves to be pet now and purrs again. He now bothers me to feed him every night if I am not on time. As a treat I started to add pawPairings. Well he thinks he has hit the jackpot. I have too, because now my cat is happy and healthier".
  - Harriate Khalsa from Micanopy,FL

To f ind the best pet food recipe for your pet, filing out a petProfile will start you on the road to your pet's good health.  Only pawTree has this amazing tool to help pet parents know the food they are giving their pet is the right recipe for their pet.