Sunday, June 26, 2016

Clean Eating For Dogs

As a pet professional I form close bonds not only with the pets in my care but with the pet parent as well. The pet parents appreciate the level of care and concern my team and I provide for their fur baby and share health concerns with us, many nutrition related.

I have a friend who opened the most amazing pet store where I have referred people in the past who express nutritional concerns about their pets. She carries a variety of high quality food and even though I refer her, many of my clients are busy and don't go have time to get to her shop. 

At a recent pet event I discovered a line of pet food that impressed me. pawTree is a pet food company that offers clean eating for dogs. I know how good my body feels when I consume quality food  and I'm delighted to announce my association with  pawTree. I can now offer my clients and any concerned pet owner a personalized nutrition plan for their dog. I love that the company uses the highest quality ingredients and is sourced and manufactured in the US. pawTree is highly rated and comes with a guarantee: if you do not see a difference in your pet, there is a 100% money back guarantee. Who else has that much confidence in the quality of their product?  

PawTree, delivered to your door. I love the convenient and we can set up the profile at the kitchen table. No extra trip, no guessing what food is best. Recipes formulated by veterinarians and nutritionist to deliver great nutrition. We are so excited to offer the pawTree line to the services we offer our clients. 

Pet AuPair Extraordinaire LLC, Your Pet Nana,  loves your pet. From snout, to tail, to paw and inside out, your pets well being is our passion. 

pawTree parents love how the clean nutrition personal doggy profile is changing the quality of their pet's life. If your doggie needs a diet do over, let's set up a pet profile and see how clean eating can enhance your pets life. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

It's Not Just Babysitting

When someone decides to hire a professional pet sitter to come into their home and care for their pets, they are not just just hiring someone to baby sit and one price  does not fit all situations.

At Pet AuPair we always have an in home consultation to meet pet and parent to evaluate what expectations are and the services required. That is when a price is quoted. There are many variables that are taken into consideration when quoting a price. Pet AuPair Extraordinaire, LLC has several sitters available and we strive to provide the one best suited to your needs.

The presence of a professional pet sitter offers the stability and comfort of a loving care giver in the home. We take walks, we play, we cuddle; but never underestimate the comfort to your pet of having someone in the home, eating a meal, washing dishes, watching TV or listening to music. All the comforting sounds of normal home life.  Our goal is to proved as stress free an environment as possible.

As we build relationships with pet owners   we are often questioned about food or supplements.  I'm delighted to share my affiliation with pawTree, a holistic company that provides personlized nutrition for pets. Manufactured and sourced in the US and highly rated. I love the quality of the products and the ease of having products shipped direct to the home. If your doggy needs a diet do-over fill out a pet profile at our website;

We also provide a level of security for your home while you are away in the event of an unexpected maintenance issue.  Pet AuPair regularly networks with other businesses in the area and have connections to people we can calll should an emergency arise. 

Our website, is now online. 

We love what we do. We kissed a dog and we liked it.