Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Don't Let Them See You Pack!

Recently I had two pet care assignments for clients who were traveling overseas.  Most pets are accustomed to their parents taking trips and when I stay with them we bond quickly and have a really great time.  However, I have noticed that when a pet owner is going to be away for a longer period of time and the pet observes a lot more luggage than they are accustomed to seeing, when I arrive I can see and sense and different level of stress in the dog. Pets that are normally glad to see me behave differently; they are needy, they follow me around, they cry more and are more upset whenever I leave.  It takes longer for me to soothe them, and if a pet has any level of separation anxiety it is even harder to comfort them.

I learned early on when caring for pets not to let the see me pack when it was time to leave.  Seeing me pack and load my car only causes additional stress to the pet, so I do it all on the sly.  What I want to say to the pet parent, if you will be traveling with more luggage than normal,  don't let your pet see you pack!

I can offer a few suggestions that can help your pet's comfort level before you leave:

1.  Wash and fold all the clothes you need ahead of time.  Your pet has seen you wash and fold clothes before, so it will not spark a note of concern.  Lay out all the clothes you need to pack and have them ready to put in your suitcase.

2.  When it is time to pack, put your pet outside or have your spouse take the pet for a walk, so he/she doesn't see you pack.  Load your car before the pet comes back into the house.  If you ever take your pet to day care, take the pet to day care while you finish packing.  Your pet sitter can pick the pet up and will be so excited to see her that any stress will be gone.  Or, have your pet sitter arrive before you leave to take your furchild for a walk.  Any pet can become agitated when their parent is leaving, but for a pet with any level of separation anxiety, this will help set him/her up for a more comfortable visit with the pet sitter while you are away.

Your pet's comfort is our priority, but there are some things we cannot overcome.  Help Your Pet Nana, or any pet sitter of your choice, care for your pet to the best of his/her ability by setting the stage for your dog's comfort before we arrive. 



  1. This is great advice. I would only add one more tip. I advise my clients to not make a big deal when they finally leave. Act the same as they would if they were just running to the grocery store. This is something they are used to seeing. Dogs do not have a concept of time like humans. If you as a client act like all is normal, so will your pet. This is much better for the dogs health and well-being.

  2. Thanks for this. If you have no objection I'm going to post this, giving you credit of course.
